mozilla crowdsources the largest dataset of human voices

转录语音数据集 mozilla crowdsources the largest dataset of human voices available for use, including 18 different languages, adding up to almost 1,400 hours of recorded voice data from more than 42,000 contributors https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2019/02/28/sharing-our-common-voices-mozilla-releases-the-largest-to-date-public-domain-transcribed-voice-dataset/

machine learning basic

机器学习是统计模型 对文本标签配对进行统计模型训练,使模型能够使用代表消息意图的预定义标签对未知输入文本进行分类 a statistical model is trained on text-label pairings, enabling the model to classify unknown input text with a pre-defined label representing the intention of the message Early neural networks Although the core ideas of neural networks were investigated in toy forms as early as the 1950s, the approach took decades to really get started. For a long time, the missing piece was a lack of an efficient way to train large neural networks.