Nodejs Notes

set registry

npm config set registry=

npm config ls -l

userconfig = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.npmrc"

declare variables

ES6 comes with two more options to declare your variables: const and let. In JavaScript ES6, you will

rarely find var anymore.

A variable declared with const cannot be re-assigned or re-declared. It cannot get mutated (changed,


Immutability is embraced in React and its ecosystem. That’s why const should be your default

choice when you define a variable.

ES6 Arrow Functions

// function expression
function () { ... }
// arrow function expression
() => { ... }

You can remove the parentheses when the function

gets only one argument, but have to keep them when

it gets multiple arguments.

// allowed
item => { ... }
// allowed
(item) => { ... }

// not allowed
item, key => { ... }
// allowed
(item, key) => { ... }

Additionally, you can remove the block body, meaning the curly braces, of the ES6 arrow function. In a concise body an implicit return is attached. Thus you can remove the return statement. That will happen more often in the book, so be sure to understand the difference between a block body and a concise body when using arrow functions

ES6 Object Initializer

you are allowed to use computed property names in JavaScript ES6

// ES6
const key = 'name';
const user = {
  \[key]: 'Robin',


class methods don’t

automatically bind this to the class instance

That’s a main source of bugs when using React, because if you want to access

this.state in your class method, it cannot be retrieved because this is undefined. So in order to

make this accessible in your class methods, you have to bind the class methods to this.

class methods can be autobound automatically without

binding them explicitly by using JavaScript ES6 arrow functions

class A { 
    constructor() { =

    foo() {
        console.log('foo from A')

class A {
    foo = () => {
        console.log('foo from A')

The official React documentation sticks to the class method bindings in the constructor

EXPORT default statement

  • to export and import a single functionality
  • to highlight the main functionality of the exported API of a module
  • to have a fallback import functionality

    const robin = {
    firstname: 'robin',
    lastname: 'wieruch',
    export default robin;

Furthermore, the import name can differ from the exported default name

Asynchronous code execution

Because most of the JavaScript runtimes are single-threaded, many longer operations, such as network requests, are executed asynchronously. Asynchronous code execution is handled by two known concepts: callbacks and promises.

  • promises

    A promise represents an eventual result of an asynchronous operation
    Promises are just pretty wrappers around callbacks. In real-world situations, you
    wrap a promise around a certain action or operation. A promise can have two possible
    outcomes: it can be resolved (fulfilled) or rejected (unfulfilled).

enable “TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features” extension in VS Code

Go to extensions and search @builtin typescript to find the extension


The fastest possible way to create random 32-char string in Node

is by using native crypto module(no external dependency is needed):

const randomBytes = require('crypto').randomBytes;
const uuid = randomBytes(16).toString("hex");