Single File Components
single-file components with a .vue extension is build by tools
such as Webpack or Browserify
A single-file component consists of three parts:
- <template> which contains the component’s markup in plain HTML
- <script> which exports the component object constructor that consists of all the JS logic within
that component
- <style> which contains all the component styles
- Virtual DOM
- Component-based UI
- Focus on the view library—separate concerns for routing, state management
Official component library for building mobile apps
D:\code\API\web>npm config list ; cli configs metrics-registry = "" scope = "" user-agent = "npm/6.4.1 node/v10.15.3 win32 x64"
npm config set registry <registry url>
install with another registry
npm install --registry=
install vue-cli
npm install -g @vue/cli
vue create my-project
vue ui
Vue props
Props are how the variables and other information pass around between different components.
- Props are passed down the component tree to descendents (not up)
- Props are read-only and cannot be modified
Vue uses one way data flow, meaning that data can only flow from a parent into a child component.
And because that parent component “owns” that value it passed down, the child can’t modify it.
For a child component to use the props provided to it, it needs to explictly declare the props it
receives with the props option
The v-bind directive is used to bind dynamic values (or objects) as props in a parent instance
The v-bind directive can be shortened with the : symbol:
// the full syntax
<img v-bind:src="prop1" />
// the shorthand syntax
<img :src="prop1" />
// the full syntax
<span v-on:click="func1(prop1)"></span>
// the shorthand syntax
<span @click="func1(prop1)"></span>