Dapr Notes


Ensure that Docker Desktop is set to Linux containers mode when you run Dapr in self hosted mode

d:\code>dapr uninstall
Removing Dapr from your machine...
Removing directory: C:\Users\wubigo\.dapr\bin
Removing container: dapr_placement
Dapr has been removed successfully

d:\code>dapr init
Making the jump to hyperspace...
Installing runtime version 1.6.0
Downloading binaries and setting up components...
Downloaded binaries and completed components set up.
daprd binary has been installed to C:\Users\wubigo\.dapr\bin.
dapr_placement container is running.
dapr_redis container is running.
dapr_zipkin container is running.
Use `docker ps` to check running containers.

d:\code>dapr -v
CLI version: 1.6.0
Runtime version: 1.6.0

d:\code>docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                              NAMES
6dc4fde182b2   daprio/dapr:1.6.0   "./placement"             dapr_placement
303f02455ea0   openzipkin/zipkin   "start-zipkin"            dapr_zipkin
6b1ccff548ba   redis               "docker-entrypoint.s…"    dapr_redis




const (
	defaultJSONOutput  = false
	defaultOutputLevel = "debug"
	undefinedAppID     = ""
