基于local stack的Step Function本地化开发

  • 安装AWS CLI

    (venv) d:\code\venv>pip install awscli
    pip install awscli-local

awslocal = aws –endpoint-url=http://localhost:


  • 配置AWS CLI

    (venv) d:\code\venv>aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: any-id-is-ok
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: fake-key
    Default region name [local]: local
    Default output format [None]:


$which aws_completer

tee ~/.bashrc <<-'EOF'
complete -C '~/code/venv/bin/aws_completer' aws


    (venv) d:\code>pip install aws-sam-cli
    (venv) d:\code>sam --version
    SAM CLI, version 0.22.0
  • 启动S3

    (venv) d:\code>localstack\docker-compose up
  • 创建bucket

    (venv) d:\code>aws configure get region
    (venv) d:\code>aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 mb s3://demo-bucket

upload a file to bucket

(venv) d:\code>aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 cp java0.log s3://demo-bucket
(venv) d:\code>aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 ls s3://demo-bucket

Attach an ACL to the bucket so it is readable:

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket demo-bucket --acl public-read
  • list object acl

    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api get-object-acl --bucket demo-bucket --key java0.log
    "Owner": {
        "DisplayName": "webfile",
        "ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
    "Grants": [
            "Grantee": {
                "Type": "CanonicalUser",
                "ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
            "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
  • set object url and can be downloaded by public

    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api put-object-acl --bucket demo-bucket --key java0.log  --acl public-read
    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 presign s3://demo-bucket/java0.log

display the names of all S3 buckets (across all regions)

(venv) d:\code>aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name"


aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api list-objects --bucket demo-bucket
    "Contents": [
            "LastModified": "2019-09-29T10:17:02.386Z",
            "ETag": "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\"",
            "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
            "Key": "java0.log",
            "Owner": {
                "DisplayName": "webfile",
                "ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
            "Size": 0

or specified region

(venv) d:\code>aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 --region local s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name"

  • 下载样例程序

    (venv) [code]$sam init --runtime python2.7
    [+] Initializing project structure...
    Project generated: ./sam-app
    Steps you can take next within the project folder
    [*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction --event event.json
    [*] Start API Gateway locally: sam local start-api
    Read sam-app/README.md for further instructions
  • 本地调用

    echo '{"message": "Hey, are you there?" }' | sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction"
  • 编译

    (venv) [sam-app]$ cd sam-app && sam build
    Build Succeeded
    Built Artifacts  : .aws-sam/build
    Built Template   : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml
    Commands you can use next
    [*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
    [*] Package: sam package --s3-bucket <yourbucket>
  • 启动本地API网关

    venv) [sam-app]$ sam local start-api
    2019-09-27 10:18:10  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    {"message": "hello world"}
  • 启动lambda服务

    (venv) [sam-app]$ sam local start-lambda
  • 运行函数计算服务

    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4585 stepfunctions list-state-machines --region local
    "activities": []
    aws stepfunctions --endpoint http://localhost:4585 create-state-machine --definition "{\
    \"Comment\": \"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda Local function\",\
    \"StartAt\": \"HelloWorld\",\
    \"States\": {\
    \"HelloWorld\": {\
      \"Type\": \"Task\",\
      \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorldFunction\",\
      \"End\": true\
    }}" --name "HelloWorld" --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/DummyRole" --region local

aws –endpoint-url=http://localhost:4585 –lambda-endpoint http://localhost:3001
